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Last update: 27/04/2010
Simple Nunchaku - Rebounds
There are 9 lesson video(s) in this category.
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Basic rebounds and armpit guard
Basic rebounds and armpit guard
Required skills: This is a basic move, you do not need to know any other move to learn this one.
Description: This is a simple and fast rebound at the end of which we have to catch and block the Nunchaku under the armpit, which is the principal difficulty. This movement is very useful in combos because it makes possible to go back in guard position or to change the trajectory of the Nunchaku simply and quickly.

Double basic rebound
Double basic rebound
Required skills: Basic rebounds and armpit guard.
Description: Same principle that the basic rebound, but this time a second one is carried out under the armpit.

Rebound sham
Rebound sham
Required skills: Basic rebounds and armpit guard, Double basic rebound.
Description: This movement shows that it is possible to give more power and from speed to a rebound by propelling the branch of the Nunchaku using the free hand. In addition to the surplus of power, that can act as a sham: indeed, rather than propelling the branch with the free hand, you can for example catch it up to change the grip or attack.

Basic waist rebounds
Basic waist rebounds
Required skills: This is a basic move, you do not need to know any other move to learn this one.
Description: This is a very important movement in Nunchaku. It is very useful: it can be used to amortize or stop the Nunchaku as well to quickly change its trajectory. It also makes it possible to make a simple, fast and powerful attack.

Arm rebounds and simple guard
Arm rebounds and simple guard
Required skills: This is a basic move, you do not need to know any other move to learn this one.
Description: This video explains the rebound on and under the arm the simple guard with two hands under the arm. These movements are capital because they are very useful to change the trajectory of the Nunchaku and to stop it.

Description : This is an unusual rebound which is made on the side of the arm. This is not very intuitive at the beginning and it requests slightly more training than other basic rebounds to be perfectly controlled.
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Knees rebounds
Knees rebounds
Required skills: Basic waist rebounds.
Description: This is an adaptation of the basic rebounds: this time, you have to make the rebounds on the knee rather than on the waist.

Foot rebound
Foot rebound
Required skills: Horizontal figure eight normal and advanced.
Description: This is a rebound made on the foot: the principal difficulty is not to destabilize the Nunchaku during the rebound, and to preserve a good trajectory to continue the movement correctly.

Reversed foot rebound
Reversed foot rebound
Description: This is a foot rebound realized after a basic rebound on the waist. If you are already familiar with the foot rebound, this movement will not present any difficulty.

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