There are 8 lesson video(s) in this category.
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Difficulty:Required skills: This is a basic move, you do not need to know any other move to learn this one.
Description: A capital movement in Kung Fu, artistic Nunchaku and freestyle. Very difficult at the beginning because not very intuitive, but many other moves are based on it, this is very important to know it perfectly.
Description: An interesting kind of wristroll that can be executed an indefinitely number of times. This move is difficult to learn and not intuitive at all for a beginner.
Description: This technique combines the two parts of the basic wristroll without breaking the movement and in a very fluid way. This move is very interesting and very pleasant to carry out.
Description: This movement is very similar to the classic wristroll, but this time you have to do it horizontally. Very interesting and intuitive movement as soon as you have understood the principle.
Description: The principal difficulty of this movement is between the two wristrolls, where a small movement of wrist is necessary to keep control on the Nunchaku.
Description: This is a very particular move, to carry it out you have to make slip your finger on the rope or the chain, which is far from an intuitive thing at the beginning. This movement is very difficult to control.